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sporting scholarships usa md John Sparks


The overall process is quite straightforward and we at Sporting Scholarships USA do our utmost to make sure that families and individuals feel protected throughout the experience.


Following a Client's initial application, if everything looks good, we will arrange an early meeting with them and their family, when we’ll give a clear and concise explanation of USA College Sporting Scholarship procedures.


We will then work alongside current college tutors and coach to assess both the applicant's academic and sporting suitability for placement in a USA College.


Then we’ll come and watch the Client compete for their college or club, so that they are assessed in their normal playing environment as much as possible.


As all USA Coaches require DVD evidence of an athlete’s performance, we need to obtain and edit a Client's personalised DVD, a copy of which will also appear on their online Player Profile.


Your details are then promoted through an extensive marketing programme to USA Colleges and Coaches and eventually you are then in a position to choose your preferred College.



We specialise in Soccer and Golf placements for our Clients. Our objective is simple. We assist aspiring young soccer players and golfers of both sexes to achieve their sporting ambitions whilst getting the best academic start to life possible.


We want to ensure that they are fully equipped to meet the sporting challenges of their chosen career and give them the ammunition and experience to plan for life after sport.


We do this by working on a one-to-one basis with each athlete and their family to guarantee that their experience of such a momentous life-change is always a positive one.


We give expert assistance throughout the process with the appropriate USA College covering Application forms, SEVIS fee, F1 Student Visas and Personal Insurance, all of which can be viewed in the Registration section.


Once our Clients are placed in their chosen College, they quickly benefit from the world-renowned American further education and sporting scholarship systems and you can check out some Testimonials by clicking the link at the top of this page.


“Having enjoyed a very successful five years working as marketing consultant for a reputable UK sports scholarship organisation, I was extremely excited to launch a specialist business, maximising the knowledge and expertise gained during that period.


As the Managing Director of Sporting Scholarships USA Ltd, since 2014, I now manage an elite client base of aspiring male and female soccer players and golfers, whereby we focus on the needs and ambitions of individuals at every opportunity. Our athletes feel rightly valued throughout their journey, from registering with Sporting Scholarships USA, right through to their graduation in the USA.


As the parent of a qualified coach working in the USA, who graduated through our company, having already gone through the process, I am uniquely placed to advise both athlete and parents on how to achieve their objectives, including preferred scholarship, location and degree; all with a minimum of disruption in coming to terms with a new and exciting culture.”  


John Sparks

Rolling News from Sporting Scholarships USA



"I would like to the thank you and Rita for always being there for me whenever I needed help or assistance and then having the patience to sit back and let me make my decision. I truly do believe that you guys are the most amazing people and if I was to ever recommend anybody I wouldn't hesitate to shout to the hills in praise for the service you give and the care that you take to represent your players."  



Sam Hencken


Realise your dream through Sporting Scholarships USA:
Sports scholarship at a USA University

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